Leadership is lonely and stressful. Most leaders benefit from having a skilled coaching professional on their side as they navigate multiple challenges.
My mission is simple. I support busy senior professionals become better leaders and team players while leading more balanced lives.
Here are some ways I support leaders:
Personal Leadership Presence:
Core strengths refined and leveraged
Access your courage to support bold decision making
Understand personal leadership style and those of others
To make your teams work more effectively
Transition and Future:
Visioning a future of purpose in alignment with your values and current needs
As a thought partner and motivator while negotiating uncertainity and change
To maintain behaviours and not lose momentum after starting
Motivation, Balance, Enhancing Peace of Mind:
Work and life are or can get out of balance, creating unwanted consequences.
To become less reactive and demonstrate more skillful responses
To become ‘unstuck,’ regain motivation, transform yourself and the world around you
Based on our initial discovery conversation, I will customise a comprehensive program that enables you gain increased clarity, build skills to better harness the power of your mind and then take actions to reach the goals you set. These may include well-known assessments (including ESCI, DISC, Gallup Strengthfinder and Saboteurs) and teach some micro-practices as needed to support the coaching journey.
This journey of awareness-alignment-action is often deeply fulfilling and transformational.
Connect with me to set up a free exploratory call.

"Leadership is often lonely.
Sanjay’s patient listening combined with a non-judgmental personality provided a great sounding board for me personally.
I enjoyed and benefitted from the opportunity to pause, reflect and re-charge during our sessions together.
I particularly value the interactions we had when I needed a quick ‘gut check.’ Rather than suggesting solutions, Sanjay helped me arrive at my own conclusions by posing thoughtful questions. And guiding the direction – rather than the destination – of our discussions."
Barry Whittle,
Senior Country Director, PSI Myanmar